3. Klassen auf Entdeckungsreise durch die Stadt

Am 15. und 17. Juni 2021 tourten die 3.C bzw. 3.D Klassen getarnt als amerikanische Tourist:innen
durch die Linzer Innenstadt um historische Sehenswürdigkeiten und Gebäude zu finden und deren
Hintergründe zu erkunden. Ihre Aufgabe: Einen Blog-Beitrag für einen amerikanischen Reiseführer über
die Stadt Linz und ihre historisch wertvolle und interessante Altstadt und die Menschen, die sich dort

Hier gibt es ein paar Eindrücke davon zu lesen:

Today we are in Linz, the capital of Upper Austria. At first we were visiting the „Martinskirche”. This
church was first recorded in 799, so it’s the oldest church in Austria. The special thing is that there
are Roman tombstones from the 3rd century. After that we went to the Schlossmuseum. There are
many exhibitions, for example sculptures of animals. From there we went to the
“Landhausbrücke” where we saw excavations of a stone arch bridge from 1632. Next we went to a
very famous house in Linz, it’s the “Mozarthaus” which got its name because the famous composer
Mozart wrote a whole symphony there. The “Pestsäule” in Linz was built to honor the Trinity and the
virgin Mary out of gratitude for the liberation from the plague, the rescue from the dangers of war as
well as the protection from a great fire. After that we went to the “Kremsmünstererhaus” which was
built by Christoph Canevale. The special thing about this house is that it shows
a Kremsmünsterer monastery coat of arms from 1710. Next to that there is the
“Linzer Markthalle” which used to be the city’s weighing scale and a witness house, it was also built in
1524. We also asked a few shop owners around there how the past year was for them and many said
they found it awful because of the pandemic. They all really didn’t like the measures that came with it.

(written by Erda Emini, 3.C)

(written by Lena Lechner-Stelzer)