With curiosity, high spirits and a positive learning atmosphere as our constant companions, students of 6MED spent their language project week in Dublin/Bray. The trip was packed with highlights like visiting Dublin and its sights, the cliff walk in Howth, a walk up Bray Head, Irish dancing and bowling. And even if the weather was sometimes more than Irish, the motivation the explore the beautiful country, its friendly people and its specific culture reamined high.


Nevertheless, the much anticipated peak of the week was the peer exchange with our partner school Youth Reach, giving the students the opportunity to gain insights into each others culture. In mixed groups differences and similarities between youth life in Austria and Ireland were established, and the first project day was rounded up with joint bowling.


The whole week was characterised by group work, peer interaction, language learning and cultural exchange. Furthermore, the exchange with Youth Reach strengthened mutual understanding and respect for different social backgrounds, an important European value in times of social and political change.


Many thanks to Youth Reach for hosting us and offering a glimpse of the Irish hospitality and spirit. Although the trip went by fast, the memories will stick forever.